Break free from feeling overworked, underpaid and stressed out!

You didn’t know that running a private practice would be this hard.

You wanted to earn more money and on your terms…

But here you are constantly worried about money and wishing you had a better work life balance.

Bottom line… YOU need to prioritize your time, freedom and income

Take Control of Your Practice Intensive 

As your own boss, if you aren’t giving yourself the benefits of a schedule that meets your needs, a salary that does more than “just pay the bills” and a work life balance… then no one will.

Take Control of Your Practice is 6 week small group coaching program to burnout proof your practice.

You will identify YOUR values, YOUR goals and most importantly make decisions in your practice by putting YOUR needs first.

You’ll learn to give yourself

⏰ Ample time off(and do it without stressing about “lost” income,

💸Increase the money in your bank account and savings

💥 A schedule that works for you that not only serves your clients, but more importantly serves YOU and the work life balance you long for.

What if you got rid of the stories that convince you that you’re greedy or selfish for building your needs and priorities into your practice?

45% of therapists burnout

You’re terrified of becoming part of that statistic.

  • Feeling reluctant about seeing clients is becoming the norm

  • You day dream about scooping ice cream, or running a llama farm, or working at The Gap. Anything but being a therapist

  • You pray for clients to cancel, because you just need a break

  • Instead of the excitement you used to feel of a new client call… you now feel dread

  • Wondering where you empathy and care have gone

Ignoring the problems in your practice is costing you time, money and your sanity.

I say this with love, but you are being a shitty boss to yourself.

Wishing your practice was better

…You could charge $175, $200,$250 (or more!) per hour

…You didn’t have to work on Fridays and could have a long weekend every weekend.

…You didn’t “have to” schedule clients after 7 PM… You really hate those late evening appointments.

Overextended and maxed out

… barely have time to use the bathroom…never-mind eat lunch.

frazzled, frustrated and  completely overextended

…maxed out after a day of doing therapy and you have nothing left to give to yourself or your family and friends.

People pleasing

…bending over backwards to accommodate clients scheduling requests in days and times that don’t work for you

…worry that setting a boundary on your time or your fee will make clients mad

…. ashamed that people might think “your just in this for the money”

You have no clue how to run your practice like a business

Please stop the eye rolling that I called your practice a business.

The “b” word (business) has a bad rep being a therapist and it can feel slimy, shady or even greedy, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

In order for you stay in this profession you need to learn how to put up some guardrails (AKA a business mindset) in your practice to protect your precious time, energy and financial situation.

You’re an amazing therapist and are beyond qualified to help your clients heal, but you were never taught how to run your practice like a business.

You just jumped in and thought you would be able to figure it out and it turns out that’s not working for you.

It sucks to feel annoyed and frustrated at yourself all the time that you keep making decisions that flat out aren’t working for you.

You’d never work for someone with such demanding unrealistic expectations where you’re overworked, over-scheduled and underpaid.

So why are you doing this to yourself?

You are OVER it!

You desperately want a practice that not only meets (and exceeds!) your financial needs, but gives you the time and bandwidth for the people and activities that matter most to you.

Check out more testimonials HERE!

I will be with you every step of the way holding your hand and gently kicking your butt (like an awesome gym workout) to make changes that are hard but will be worth it.

  • Create an practice that meets YOUR needs!

  • Set your ideal fee and learn how to communicate it with ease!

  • You want to be able to handle unexpected cancellations, and take sick and vacation days WITHOUT anxiety.

  • Create a schedule that is nourishing and sustainable and gives you an ideal work life balance

  • Communicate your boundaries in a clear, ethical manner and feel confident doing it!

Meet Robyn

Hey, I am Robyn. I am a former overextended, people pleasing therapist.

When I first ventured out into private practice, I burnt out REALLY quickly, because a lot of my decisions were based on “not wanting to upset my clients” instead of making decisions that were in my best interest. 

Since then I have made effective changes to consistently bring in a 6-figure salary while only working 3 days a week. I’ve spent a lot of time learning how to create a nourishing and sustainable practice and know that I can help you to make significantly more money while working fewer hours and actually getting to enjoy your practice.

Because I know how hard it is to be a therapist and run your practice. My empathy, compassion and sensitive (while assertive stance) will help you build the framework of a private practice with time, freedom and financial security.

I get it. You are overwhelmed and don’t even know where to start to make these changes! 

I’ve got you. So let’s get to the nitty gritty of Take Control of Your Practice. 

Module 1: Why do you NEED, not just want to change things in your private practice? What you are currently doing  is not sustainable!

  • How are you being a shitty boss to yourself?

  • Take a deep dive into your values, wants, needs and priorities to figure out what has to change.

  • Set goals for your practice and create a plan to meet them.  

What’s in it for you: You feel like a bad ass boss. You’ve got swagger, confidence and instead of being a hot mess express, you now feel like one of those Instagram mom’s with the perfectly curated family photo.

Module 2: How do your people-pleasing behaviors guide decisions in your practice?

  • People-pleasing behaviors play a part in your difficulties  setting boundaries with time and money. 

  • You’ll explore your feelings that come up when setting boundaries and how to soothe them to make decisions that are in YOUR best interest.

  • You’ll map out and set your ideal schedule

    What’s in it for you? People pleasing may have worked in the past, but it’s not working anymore. Your stomach is settled, your brain is quiet and each decision you make you do it unapologetically.

Module 3: Planning for Life: Sick/vacation/cancellations

  • Explore how being overextended is hurting you

  • Look at the potential of having time and freedom and how those things will improve your quality of life

  • Create an individualized yearly plan that works for you.  Your plan will include sick and vacation days, holidays, client cancellations and unexpected events.

What’s in it for you: When your kiddo gets sick… you email your clients to cancel, reschedule them for the following week and snuggle up on the couch with a movie, popcorn and your little one with the sniffles (Not everything is covid!). All this without even a second thought.

Module 5: Non sleepy, not slimy marketing

  • Shifting mindset that marketing is empathy in action

  • Identify tools and strategies that align with your strengths and comfort level

  • Fine tuning language on Psychology Today and websites to attract your best fit client.

    What’s in it for you? A caseload of clients who make you excited to go to work every day and you feel alive, connected and like an incredible therapist.

    Feeling confident to network and market in a way that is loving, connected and compassionate. NOT salesy and slimy.

Module 4: Money Matters: You are not “Money Hungry” You need to make a sustainable living. One you’ve earned!

  • Work through your beliefs about money and being a therapist.

  • Put a simple formula in to place to set YOUR ideal fee to enable more financial security and growth.

  • You’ll create a script to inform clients about your new fee that you can use each and every time you raise it.

What’s in it for you? A framework for sliding scale clients-Done! Bills-Paid!-YUP! EFT course you’ve been dying to get into but you thought it was too expensive-Registered! New pair of shoes-hells yeah! Swagger and pride in being able to save for camp, vacations and bar mitzvahs and everything else that matters to you.

Module 6 : What does change look like and feel like?

  • Together we’ll Celebrate what you have accomplished!

  • Embody how things feel different now that you are acting like the BEST BOSS to yourself. 

  • Set future goals for your practice and have actionable steps to take to work towards your next set of goals and hold yourself accountable.

What’s in it for you? You feel like the main character of “What not to Wear”. Your before and after pictures are incredible and when you look in the mirror you can’t believe this new, put together, sleek, stunning vibe you have going on in your practice.

How much has it cost you putting everyone’s needs in front of your own?

You’ve made so many decisions based on your clients wants and what you think they need… but what’s the cost been to you?

  • You’ve lost precious energy worrying about money

  • You’ve lost yourself because you are constantly putting other peoples needs first.

  • You haven’t actually been able to enjoy time off because of the stress you’ve created both before and after by over scheduling.

  • At the end of the day, you have zero bandwidth for your family and friends and feel grumpy, tired and easily irritated. Your practice is interfering with your most important relationships!

Would spending $3k or even $5k be worth it to you to make $10-$20K more EVERY year while working less and making sure you have the work life balance you NEED?

I’ve had alums say they would take their sanity and a work life balance that actually allows them to enjoy their lives over being given $10k in cash!

Here’s What to Expect Next:

1. You’ll register! 

2. You’ll receive a series of emails to officially get us started. 

3. Your time is precious and we are going to keep “homework” limited and optional. Prior to each session, I’ll send out a worksheet to help you prepare  and get the most out of our calls together. DON’T worry, if you don’t do the “homework” we will go over the worksheets together. 

4. You’ll have  6 weeks of group coaching sessions (1 Hr) with me (Robyn) over zoom. It will be like coffee with a bestie who gets you and also can call you out when you need it.

5. Between sessions you can email me with any questions or concerns. Making change is HARD and continued encouragement and support will make this process so much easier for you.  When you send me an email, I’ll respond with a loom video message for you, because “face to face” helps you feel more connected and supported.  

6. When you have graduated: You will still be able to stay connected and use me for support with up to 3 follow up emails. You may need to troubleshoot any sticky and tricky  boundaries that you want to set. Even though you’ve done amazing work in establishing some new parameters and systems, you still may need and want a little hand holding along the way.

Dates and times:

  • April 26, 2024 10:00 EDT

  • May 3, 2024 10:00 EDT

  • May 10, 2024 10:00 EDT

  • May 17, 20224 10:00 EDT

  • May 24, 2024 10:00 EDT

  • May 31, 2024 10:00 EDT

Are you excited and ready to Take Control of Your Practice?

You are one click away from ensuring you gain time, freedom, financial security by putting yourself first in your practice.

Click on your preferred payment option to start working together

Payment Option A: 

Most affordable

Payment Plan

3 Payments of $659

*first payment will be made date of registration, subsequent payments will be automatically charged for the 2 consecutive months.

Payment Option B:

Best Value

One single payment

$1799 (save 10%)

✅  This is for you if….

  • The exhaustion and frustration in your practice is at its peak and you know you have to make changes to continue doing this deep, meaningful work. 

  • You’re willing to step out of your comfort zone and take some risks. You can tolerate making a decision and you also know you can course correct if a decision is not working for you. 

  • It feels good and right to invest a tiny fraction of what you invested in grad school, so you can make 6-figures a year while working way less & on your terms.

  • You want to work less… and make more money

  • You have a willingness to explore personal triggers and growing edges to making changes in your practice. *This is “light” emotional work and is not therapy*

  • Its exciting to imagine finishing your work-days and having more time and energy for yourself and the people you love.

❌  This is not for you if…

  • You are just looking for advice to amp up your marketing (building a website, social media presence and SEO). Although these things are valuable, they are not my expertise but I can guide in the right direction to people who are top of their game in this stuff.

  • Not open to exploring how YOU show up for yourself. Nudging the emotional aspects of your decision making is an important part of Take Control of Your Practice. 

  • Looking for advice or guidance about working with insurance panels. Power to you if that is your choice!

  • You are thinking you want to make changes in the future, but you are not ready to take action yet

  • Looking for Clinical Supervision

-Kelli M.

“Being a new parent and returning to private practice was a challenge and that is ultimately what led me to connect with Robyn. I no longer could let my schedule have a mind of its own but struggled with setting those necessary boundaries. I was trying to wear too many hats and take care of everything and everyone. 

Robyn not only validated my experience but she (gently) called me to action and helped me set some firm boundaries. I've been able to shift my mindset and find more balance between being a clinician and business owner. Highly Recommended!”

You probably have a few questions. Let me answer those for you!


  • This is a hard question to answer because it depends entirely on just how burned out you are.

    One of the biggest goals of Take Control of Your Practice is to look at your schedule and make a plan to reduce your caseload (and increase your income) which will ultimately give you more time and freedom. It feels overwhelming right now, but I can help you to create a schedule that is nourishing and sustainable.

    If your burnout is more severe and you are experiencing depression and apathy it may not be the best time to enroll in Take Control of Your Practice. You may want to consider taking some time off, re-engaging with your therapist and taking some time to reset your nervous system. Once you are feeling more like yourself, don’t worry-Take Control of Your Practice will still be here!

  • This is easy-Be coachable and open and receptive to trying new things even when they push you out of your comfort zone.

    There is a small amount of (optional) homework. Participants find they can get the most out of our time together by taking 10-15 minutes to complete the worksheets prior to our coaching sessions. Don’t worry, if doing “homework” makes you feel more stressed, we can work on it together in our live coaching sessions.

  • While I can’t guarantee your increase in your income , I CAN tell you that if you are ready to take action and make brave decisions you have the potential to earn anywhere between $10-$25K more per year without adding clients to your caseload. (based on a 20 client caseload)

  • This is an all-in experience. Once the coaching has begun there are no refunds. Here’s why: The goal with this program is to do brave and vulnerable work. That takes commitment. This program is for those who are ready to do that work and this way you’ll know you are ready to make the investment in yourself, even when it gets hard.

  • During your 6 week coaching experience, I will be available for unlimited emails to manage questions, challenges, and things that feel sticky. I want to be able to provide the support you need to make the lasting changes in your practice.

Ready to burnout proof your practice by giving yourself more time, money, freedom and balance?

What do you do next?
Click here to register now!

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